
Many of these are open access, but please get in touch if you’d like a copy of one behind a paywall!

  1. Oken, K.L., D.S. Holland, and A.E. Punt. (2021) The effects of population synchrony, life history, and access constraints on benefits from fishing portfolios. Ecological Applications. 31:e2307

  2. Jensen O.P., C.W. Martin, K.L. Oken, F.J. Fodrie, P.C. López-Duarte, K.W. Able, and B.J. Roberts. (2019) Simultaneous estimation of dispersal and survival of the Gulf Killifish (Fundulus grandis) from a batch tagging experiment. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 624:183-194.

  3. Free C.M., J.T. Thorson, M.L. Pinsky, K.L. Oken, J. Wiedenmann, and O.P. Jensen. (2019) Impacts of historical warming on fisheries production. Science. 363:979-983.

  4. Ward E.J., K.L. Oken, K.A. Rose, S. Sable, K. Watkins, E.E. Holmes, and M.D. Scheuerell. (2018) Applying spatiotemporal models to monitoring data to quantify fish population responses to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 190:530.

  5. Oken K.L., T.E. Essington, and C. Fu. (2018) Variability and stability in predation landscapes: a cross-ecosystem comparison on the potential for predator control in temperate marine ecosystems. Fish and Fisheries. 19:489-501.

  6. Moriarty P.E., E.E. Hodgson, H.E. Froehlich, S.M. Hennessey, K.N. Marshall, K.L. Oken, M.C. Siple, S. Ko, L.E. Koehn, B.D. Pierce, and C.C. Stawitz. (2018) The need for validation of ecological indices. Ecological Indicators. 84:546-552.

  7. Oken K.L. and T.E. Essington. (2016) Evaluating the effect of a selective piscivore fishery on rockfish recovery within marine protected areas. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 73:2267-2277.

  8. Webb E.E., E.A.G. Schuur, S. Natali, K.L. Oken, R. Bracho, J.P. Krapek, D. Risk, and N. Nickerson. (2016) Increased wintertime CO2 loss as a result of sustained tundra warming. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 121:249-265.

  9. D’Amore D.V, K.L. Oken, P. Herendeen, E.A. Steel, and P.E. Hennon. (2015) Carbon accretion in unthinned and thinned young-growth forest stands of the Alaskan perhumid coastal temperate rainforest. Carbon Balance and Management.

  10. Essington T.E., P.E. Moriarty, H.E. Froehlich, E.E. Hodgson, L.E. Koehn, K.L. Oken, M.C. Siple, and C.C. Stawitz. (2015) Fishing amplifies collapses of forage fish stocks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112:6648-6652.

  11. Oken K.L., T.E. Essington. (2015) How detectable is predation in stage-structured populations? Insights from a simulation-testing analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology. 84:60-70.

  12. Aing C., S. Halls, K. Oken, R. Dobrow, and J. Fieberg. (2011) A Bayesian hierarchical occupancy model for track surveys conducted in a series of linear, spatially correlated, sites. Journal of Applied Ecology. 48:1508-1517.